Shiring is one of the most widely used types of packaging. Shiring means stretching and covering and is usually used to pack several items of the same shape together or for protection and stylish packaging. Plastic coating or sheeting film is a thin plastic film. When this coating is placed around the packaging product and is heated by the shrinking pack device, it sticks to the outer wall of the packaging like a nylon pack.

Cabin shearing machine:
It is considered a very simple and semi-automatic device and is usually used in restaurants, confectioneries, etc. The operator can perform a packing process in about 10 seconds with the sharing machine in the cabin.
Automatic sharing pack machine: The feature of automatic conveyor belt shringing is high packing speed as well as the ability to adjust the temperature, conveyor speed and packing time.
Tunnel sharing machine:
اThis machine is generally known for packing soft drink and mineral water cans. But it is also used for other products such as boxes, cans, bottles, such as fish paste and tuna, radiator water shiring, herbal spirit bottle shiring, etc.

Shring films provide the conditions for storage, packaging and of course easy handling and transportation of products. Over time, due to its unique characteristics such as flexibility, lightness, ease of use, reasonable price, shrink film has found a special place in the packaging industry in the packaging of products such as cans, bottles, cans and also small boxes. Is.