This nylon is another type of agricultural nylon. To explain this nylon, we need to talk about the characteristics of the soil, the part of the soil that covers its surface has a very light and soft structure, which is called mulch. This layer usually consists of straw, leaf soil, sawdust, plant soil and plastic sheets.Mulch acts as a barrier to natural and human factors and protects plant roots from damage caused by acid rain, normal rain, sleet, snow, hail, frost, storm, evaporation and erosion. In the following, you will get to know the characteristics, application and types of mulch. By using different colors of plastic mulch film, a grower can positively influence the yield of the crop. Some colors are significantly useful and beneficial for a product, some have limited benefits and benefits, some colors have almost no benefits and even increase the cost of the manufacturer.

Black nylon mulch:Black or black mulch is the most common color of plastic mulch used in the world today. It is less expensive to make than other colors and can have many benefits for the breeder.

Transparent mulch film:Clear nylon mulch is usually used as a sunscreen aid. Light passes directly through the plastic mulch and the soil under the nylon mulch is completely heated, killing weed spores and live bacteria in the bed.

White mulch film:White mulch film reflects light and provides a significantly cooler substrate than other colors.

Black/white film:This extruded plastic mulch film offers the advantages of combining black mulch film and white mulch film in one product.

Types of agricultural mulch:There are different types of mulches, the choice of which type should be based on the needs of each product or each region. Mulches are classified into two types, organic and inorganic. Organic or biological mulch includes natural materials such as dry grass, straw, stubble, tree bark, chopped wood, leaves, sawdust and compost. Inorganic or chemical mulches are plastic or polyethylene coatings that are spread on the soil. This product is used to prevent the growth of weeds and water evaporation from the soil. Plants grow through the pores created on the surface of the film.